Terms Of Use

All logos and the name of harkoftakis.gr is reserved (Trademark) in the Ministry of Trade and any copying is forbidden by law. The competent courts for any legal problem, are the courts of Piraeus and head of the legal department of the company is Mr. John Loukadounos.

The graphics and the contents of the website belong to the creator. The material belongs to NetPlanet and can not be changed, resold or distributed without our written permission.

NetPlanet offers free dynamic movement to users, under certain conditions.

The terms of use of dynamic motion require the interconnection between NetPlanet and the website traffic which will be used.

When there is no connection, the user must request permission to use dynamic movement. The dynamic movements are exactly as you see them, without warranty of any kind.

We accept no liability for any damage or any problem that may be caused to you by dynamic movement or any other material belonging to us.